A deep dive into Modafinil and hangover

We all know that we do not need any other product for its mixing with Modafinil as this smart drug is itself very effective and a “house of a boon” on its own.

Have you ever given thought if Modafinil and alcohol can mix together well???

However, it is a very weird combination though. To dig up a grave for a person is to mix up a CNS stimulant and a CNS depressant together. Here Modafinil is a CNS stimulant and alcohol is a CNS depressant. Mixing both of these can never prove to be a master plan. Many a time we see there are so many negative effects of Modafinil which can worsen the situation through the consumption of alcohol.

By balancing the hangover by popping in Modafinil can only save you from letting your productivity go on a downfall. Instead of feeling very low and tired after taking alcohol, you will feel totally charged and focus on all the things that is important rather than catching a wink and nod off.

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A hangover is an experience of unpleasant physiological and psychological effects usually following the consumption of alcohol such as wine, beer, and all other liquor.

 The exact cause of a hangover has not been conclusively determined; however, many risk factors can be involved.

 A number of factors that can contribute to a hangover are an accumulation of acetaldehyde, changes in immunity and glucose homeostasis, fluid loss, metabolic acidosis, disturbed prostaglandin synthesis, elevated heart rate, sleeplessness, inadequate nutrition, and dilation of blood vessels. 

Each individual’s capacity and tolerance level variates and everyone knows their potential and capacity of consuming alcohol. So it depends on the body system of the individual about how the alcohol might perform in various people. Alcohol is not digested by the body; instead, it is directly distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream. The effects that alcohol has on the body are unique to individuals of varying ages, genders, levels of fat cells, and types of alcoholic beverages. 

As per the Mayo Clinic, the results found after consumption of excessive alcohol are: 

  • You do not have quality sleep and so you experience a lethargic feeling and lose interest in doing any sort of work.
  • If started drinking at an early age, then there are high chances of a drop in grades and declining performance in school and college.
  • Excessive drinking can weaken your immunity and your ability to fight any sort of disease decreases.
  • Excessive alcohol enlarges your heart and every binge of it leads to atrial fibrillation which leads to irregular heartbeats.
  • Frequent consumption of alcohol also gives a higher risk of cancer including colon, oesophageal, breast, throat, liver, and mouth.
  • Allows you to urinate more and more, and the body gets dehydrated.
  • Our liver undergoes a lot of stressful atmospheres to metabolize at least 90% of the alcohol that is ingested.
  • Once the liver refrains from metabolizing the alcohol if taken in excess then the unprocessed alcohol enters the bloodstream. If at all alcohol is not flushed out from the bloodstream, the heart and the brain are at risk.
  • Some folks after the rough consumption of alcohol at night, the next morning if they treat themselves with Modafinil, wake up fresh!!!!
  • They can boost their energy and no more look lethargic and experience fatigue.
  • According to several studies, our phenomenally fantastic smart drug may be able to persuade alcoholics to cut back on their drinking of alcohol.
  • So, what exactly has Modafinil been doing that has been so successful in treating hangovers?

As soon as you start to feel the effects of alcohol, every activity, from walking - talking to sleeping, will appear to be difficult and unproductive for you.

Simply putting a white pill in your mouth and expecting it to work its magic will never be successful.

We integrated findings from scientific research with our own anecdotes and observations.

If you are interested in mixing Modafinil with alcohol, the following is the protocol that you must constantly keep in mind.

Try to get adequate amount of sleep :

A person who is under the influence of alcohol needs to sleep continuously for at least seven to eight hours. After drinking alcohol, the quality of sleep that one gets is not quite as good as it would normally be.

It is best for a person to sleep without any interruptions at all, without the use of an alarm clock, so that they can wake up when their body naturally does so.

Push yourself for shower :

Shower helps you keep fresh after drinking alcohol. You need to push yourself out of bed for shower will make sure that your day is bright.

It’s totally upon you if you choose to have a shower with hot water, cold water as per your convenience. 

Take shower for longer period of time.


Keep yourself well hydrated : 

Because drinking alcohol might cause feelings of dehydration, it is important for you to consume more fluids. You should either consume a lot of water or any juice that can keep you hydrated. Either one will work. 

It is advisable to drink a glass of water before going to bed at night, as well as approximately 4 litres of water, in order to assist the body in processing alcohol at a much quicker rate.

Eat healthy breakfast :

It is not sufficient to simply replenish your fluids. In addition to this, you need to eat a breakfast that is both substantial and nutritious in order to replenish the minerals, vitamins, and electrolytes that were lost due to the drinking of alcohol.

  • Eggs
  • Avocado
  • Oatmeal
  • Meat
  • Soup

Once you have ensured that you are adequately hydrated and eaten, you may now give yourself an oral dose of 200 milligrammes of modafinil. Just 200 milligrammes will be enough to completely eradicate the lethargy and exhaustion caused by a hangover. 

In a nutshell I would only emphasize on the fact that be careful before combining both the products. It has not been studied in any of the researches whether Modafinil is safe to be mixed with alcohol. Both are in the south and the north pole. One is a CNS stimulant then the other is CNS depressant. 

Patients should be made aware that there are no researches stating that Modafinil can be mixed with alcohol. It's possible that every single body will react extremely differently. The body is put under an incredible amount of stress if a CNS stimulant and a CNS depressant are both administered at the same time. 

All of the body's systems are subjected to contradictory impulses, which cause them to either speed up or slow down, and the human body is forced to go through terrible discomfort as a result. 

Nausea and dehydration are two of the most prevalent negative reactions to this drug, and they are also among the side effects that are shared with modafinil. Therefore, combining Modafinil use with alcohol consumption may raise the risk of becoming dehydrated.

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